FPCL Held the Theme Education Summary Meeting

On February 26, FPCL held a summary meeting on the theme education of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thorough study and implementation of the guiding principles of the theme education summary meeting of the CPC Central Committee, conscientiously implemented the arrangements of the Group Company and the Fujian Province theme education summary meeting, and systematically summarized the effectiveness of theme education practices and experience and inspiration of the Company, consolidated and expanded the results of the theme education program.

Zhang Xiguo, Secretary of Party Committee, Chairman, and Leader of the Theme Education Leading Group of the Company, emphasized that we must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, make every effort to consolidate and expand the results of the theme education program, and persevere in learning about great thoughts, strengthening party consciousness, emphasizing practices, and scoring new achievements, strive to promote the construction of a domestically leading integrated refining and chemical enterprise in China, and make new and greater contributions to accelerating the creation of a Sinopec featuring delivery of strong strategic supports, powerful protection of people’s livelihood, and great social influence.

Ke Yuyun, Deputy Chief of the Ninth Cruising Supervision Group for Theme Education of the Group Company, and Guo Linjie, a member of the Group, attended the meeting to provide guidance. Zhao Tianxing, General Manager of the Company, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Deputy Chief of the Theme Education Leading Group, presided over the meeting. The Company’s leaders at home Lin Xu, Lai Shuiming, Hong Xiaojiang, Yang Fei and Li Ji, as well as Du Hongming from Fujian Gulei Petrochemical attended the meeting.

Zhang Xiguo pointed out that since the launch of theme education program, under the careful guidance of the 13th Cruising Steering Group and the 9th and 27th Circuit Supervision Groups of the Group Company, the Company’s Party Committee has thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and important instructions on theme education, firmly grasped the general requirements of “learning about great thoughts, strengthening party consciousness, emphasizing practices, and scoring new achievements”, firmly shoulder the main responsibilities, and implement the five key measures of theoretical study, investigation and research, promotion of development, review and rectification, and establishment of rules and systems in an integrated manner to ensure that the theme education program is planned from a high starting point, operated in accordance with high standards, and achieves high-quality results.

The main results of the Company’s thematic education program are as follows: with the efforts to highlight thinking deeply and carefully comprehending and working hard on learning, enhancing cohesion and forging the Party’s soul has been strengthened; with the efforts to highlight surveys centering on inquiring about demands and recommendations, fresh progress has been made in overcoming difficulties; with the efforts to highlight promoting development with solid steps and practical results, fresh progress has been made in engaging in great undertakings; with the efforts to highlight rectifications based on powerful measures to look into and deal with problems, the Company has taken on a new look; with the efforts to highlight operation based on overall planning and interaction, theme education programs have

The Company’s theme education program was conducted in a deep-going and solid manner, distinctive and effective, and has been fully recognized by the Group Company’s Cruising Supervision Groups. It has achieved the expected goals of “learning to build political mentality, enhancing wisdom, rectify the work style, and promote actions”, and further forged political loyalty, strengthened ideals and beliefs, enhanced capabilities, improved development results, fostered feelings for serving the people, and cultivated new trends and righteousness.

Zhang Xiguo pointed out that by persisting in learning to think and practicing to comprehend, summarizing and refining experience, the theme education program brought about profound inspirations. We are deeply aware that arming ourselves with theories must be an eternal agenda, benchmarking must be a conscious requirement, exemplary role of the leadership must be a key factor, being problem-oriented must be an effective method, and substantial results in work must be a test criterion.

Zhang Xiguo emphasized that we must make every effort to consolidate and expand the results of the theme education program, constantly open up new realms of learning, understanding and applying the Great Thoughts, and strive to create fresh progress of the Company’s high-quality development; we must continue to strengthen arming ourselves with theories and persist in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to enhancing cohesion and forging the Party’s soul; we must continue to promote the solution of problems and let employees truly feel the actual results of learning to think and practicing to comprehend; we must continue to deepen the construction of work style and unswervingly advance full and rigorous Party self-governance; we must continue to focus on the grassroots level and lay the foundation and give full play to the role of grassroots Party organizations as battlewagons and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members; we must continue to pay close attention to implementation and better transform theme education results into practical results in promoting high-quality development.

Ke Yuyun fully commended the results achieved by the Company in coordinating and promoting the theme education program, and put forward specific requirements for continuing to consolidate and expand the results of the theme education program.

Ke Yuyun pointed out that since the launch of the theme education program, the Company’s Party Committee has attached great importance to it, strictly followed the arrangements of the Group Company’s Party Group, worked in close compliance with the general requirements of “learning about great thoughts, strengthening party consciousness, emphasizing practices, and scoring new achievements”. In addition, in close combination with its actual situation, from the very beginning, the Company’s Party Committee, with a serious, conscientious and pragmatic attitude, made meticulous overall planning, took solid steps to advance and implement the program in an integrated manner with top-down interactions put into place. The Company’s Party Committee worked hard to promote theoretical study, investigations and researches, advance development, review and rectification, establishment of regulations and systems, etc. As a result, remarkable results have been achieved in learning to build political mentality, enhancing wisdom, rectify the work style, and promote actions and the objectives of enhancing cohesion and forging the Party’s soul to build a strong foundation, fostering characters to strengthen loyalty, work down to earth and take on responsibilities to promote development, practice the purpose of benefiting the people, and upholding integrity and working always in the interests of the public to set new standards have been achieved.

During the supervision work, the Supervision Group believed that the Company’s theme education program has five main characteristics: focusing on the theme and sticking closely to the main line; organic integration and unified advancement; keeping a close eye on problems and planning practical measures; promoting development with real practice and solid work; scientific planning and meticulous overall planning.

Ke Yuyun emphasized that it is necessary to explore the way to build long-term mechanisms of “four ‘by learning’” by focus on earnestly summarizing and expanding the theme education results; Specifically, it is necessary to explore the way to build a long-term mechanism of building political mentality by learning. We must persist in theoretical study, strengthen Party spirit training, and promote its transformation and application, so that the power of great thoughts can be fully released in the Company’s reforms, developments and practices; it is necessary to explore the way to build a long-term mechanism of enhancing wisdom by learning. We must make solid steps to improve political ability, thinking ability, and practical ability, and promote the Company’s high-quality development with concrete steps and practical results; it is necessary to explore the way to build a long-term mechanism of rectifying work style by learning. We must persevere in strengthening discipline construction, strengthening work style construction, polishing the inspection sword, and persistently purifying the Company’s political ecosystem; it is necessary to explore the way to build a long-term mechanism of promoting actions by learning. We must continue to work hard to promote development, lay foundations, prevent risks, and relieve people’s concerns, unswervingly follow the mass line of the new era, give full play to the role of central enterprises as “ballast stones”, and polish brighter the image of “good enterprise responsible for the Party and the people".

Zhao Tianxing put forward requirements for the implementation of the guiding principles of the meeting, emphasizing the need to quickly communicate and unify ideas; establish mechanisms to solidify results; coordinate efforts and create new advances.

The meeting set up a video-based branch venue at Fujian Gulei Petrochemical. The Company’s middle managers, secretaries of grassroots general Party branches and branches, members of the Company’s Theme Education Leading Group Office and various working groups, and some employee representatives attended the meeting. (Xuanwen)